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RE: Moscow water policy

Greetings Visionaires -

Walter Steed stated:

> But this is exactly what the City of Moscow does at the present.
> They charge
> a flat $5.25 per month for each 3/4" meter (soon to be $10.50)
> and, 1.15¢ per
> cu. ft. used, starting with the first gallon (the summer rate is
> $1.5¢ per
> cu..ft.).

Basic economics:  Price goes up (or down) to meet demand.  Could you imagine
if all utilities were controlled commercially without government (Oops!
There goes that horrible word again) control (such as the PUC)?  Hmmmmm.
ENRON comes to mind.

> <<And what of public-safety uses of water, such as extinguishing a house
> fire? Who pays that bill?>>

Another financially sound suggestion:  Let's stop putting out fires.  That
is similar to the idea of not paying your utility bill any more.  You save
on the money you didn't use on paying the bill.  In lieu of your utility
bill not being paid, your utilities will eventually be shot of, thus saving

Hey!  I am all for it.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

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