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Re: Theological Attack On Public Schools

 Dale, first off you note that yes, the statistics are tortured, at best,
as someone named Ron noted on May 16, and then you go on to mix and match
all this other stuff that simply tells me nothing about public versus
private enrollments. I appreciate your willingness to debate and the
exuberance with which you try to back it up, but it's just too illogical to
  At the end of your note, you, like I, point to the upcoming SF3 for
Moscow and environs. That, I'm guessing, will be the most accurate picture
of private versus public school enrollments for your region. Unfortunately,
it won't tell us anything about why.
  Because the why is so tough to discern, I have tried to provide national
statistics of the overall trend so that a dose of reality can slip in.
Public schools, gaining students. Private schools, losin' them. On this
point you are mute. Why?
  If America (Moscow, Idaho fits here) is so damned disgusted with the
pagan, government schools why aren't Americans tossing their kids into the
godly, good citizen schools at a greater rate? Why? Aren't you, by the by,
a former pagan, government employee, 20-year Navy nuclear sub vet who was
trained on taxpayer dollars as an engineer and are now retired on a pagan,
government pension?

  cheers, greg burton
tel;cell:(801) 918-8097
tel;fax:(801) 257-8525
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org:The Salt Lake Tribune;Environment & Adventure Desk
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fn:Greg Burton

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