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Re: new reader impressions

Typically this list is pretty benign with postings
about the latest phone scams, virus alerts, and the
occasional community announcements/discussions.  My
suggestion...if you don't like to read about Doug's
desire of becoming a subservient, etc., setup filters
or use the delete key.

--- Brent Capener <> wrote:
> Sharon S.  Something to say, but half the verbiage
> would have been more effective.  Doug W.  Nothing to
> say, even double or more the verbiage would still
> equal little or nothing worthwhile in relation to
> the original intent of this site.  Isn't this
> supposed to be about issues concerning our city?  
> Don't trash my computer with promotions for
> government mandated diety worship,  or personal
> misguided crusades to save us all from ourselves.  

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