RE: Water update
Robinson Park currently has five RV sites with electricity at each site.
There is a toilet in the area and water will be provided to the area soon
(from a well). The cost is $8.00 per night. There is a self-registration
box, and it is checked regularly. I would estimate at least 90% of the
users register and pay. Adequate signage helps greatly.
The money collected is used to pay for the services provided to the campers.
Andrew Grant
Latah County Parks and Recreation
-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Johnson-Huhta []
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: Water update
To enlighten you all on who pays for the RVs and poachers water and
sewer.....YOU DO.
I am a member of the Latah County Fair Board and numerous times I have
brought up the fact that I find it most distressing that taxpayers are
paying for RV's (and others) to get water and sewage disposal for free or
for a VERY small donation. Yes, the Lions put in the dump station, yes
there is a donation box, but....the Lions collect the money and put the
money into their coffers and none is used to pay the water and sewage bill
at the Fair grounds. The Lions gave the community a "gift" that everyone
pays for with taxes. I don't want to sound as though I don't appreciate all
the efforts many of the service groups provide to the Fair grounds. But
these services often times end up costing more than the intention.
And..... a couple of years ago the Fair board had another donation box
installed for those using the RV camp site and electricity to leave an $8.00
per night use fee. Because it is unattended many simply do not bother to
pay. Most are traveling in RVs in the thousands of dollars and can well
afford the small price tag. the taxpayer pays for the electricity
as well as water and sewage. During the "Life on Wheels" week long
encampment and some of the hottest days of the summer, I counted at least
52 use nights. (I missed a couple of days ) I have not yet seen an
accounting of the amount of money collected during that time. That should
appear in the next financial report.
My concerns can not be fully addressed at the meetings because I have a
conflict of interest in that a member of my family operates a small RV park.
I don't want government meddling in business that the private sector is and
should be doing.
I can only see the use of the Fair grounds site escalating. The Fair
grounds recently received a grant from the Ida ho Parks Department to
upgrade the sites. money!?!
Any suggestions?
Terry Johnson-Huhta
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