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RE: Talk Show 8/18/02: Gun Rights/Pink Pistols

Greetings Visionaires -

John Harrell listed the link:


John Harrell further quoted from that website:

> "Pink groups should focus on alternative sexuality."

Mr. Harrell, if you are going to quote a source in an attempt to make a
statement, quote a sufficient portion of that source so as to represent the
intent of that source.

The paragraph from which the above statement was extracted reads:

"Limit the issues on the discussion table. More than likely, you will never
get full agreement on the entire range of social issues between any
significantly large group of people, even within a pink or shooting group.
On any controversial social issue, such as abortion or the death penalty,
there will usually be a range of opinion in even the most liberal or
conservative groups. Acknowledge this and point it out when necessary.
Shooting groups should focus on shooting rights. Pink groups should focus on
alternative sexuality. When a group starts to stray from its mission and
pull in a broader social agenda, challenge them to stick to their core
purpose. For example, don't argue whether homosexuality is right or wrong
with the gun club - a large enough group of people will have diverse moral
views on that - discuss whether this specific set of shooters, who happen to
be gay, will be allowed to use the same facility with the same rights as the
other shooters."

The entire paragraph paints an entirely different picture than the picture
painted by the short sentence extracted from it.

However, I do thank you, Mr. Harrell, for providing this link to Vision 2020
subscribers.  Now, perhaps they will read and understand for themselves the
intent of the Pink Pistols.

Take care,

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.

- Author Unknown

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