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Re: MER meeting, thursday, 8/8 7pm Mikey's Gyros and ps

That has been proposed by several folks, both male and female.  Its in the
archives if you don't believe me.

Mark Rounds

At 12:44 PM 8/6/2002 -0700, Gregory Dickison wrote:
>I am still curious why no one opposed to this ordinance on equality grounds
>is seeking to amend it to include men. Aren't your objections met if guys
>have to wear shirts, too?
>Gregory C. Dickison
>Lawyer & Counselor at Law
>Post Office Box 8846
>312 South Main Street
>Moscow, Idaho 83843
>(208) 882-4009
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Muscovites for Equal Rights"
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 11:18 AM
>Subject: MER meeting, thursday, 8/8 7pm Mikey's Gyros and ps
>> For those interested in helping overturn the topless ordinance, there will
>> be MER meeting this Thursday, 8/8 at 7pm at Mikey's Gyros, downtown
>> Agenda items include updates, electing officials, strategizing, gathering
>> completed (signed and dated) petitions and distribution of petitions.
>> Please come strengthen our solidarity.
>> If you have any agenda items you'ld like to add, please respond.
>> For those unable to attend, please respond with comments, suggestions and
>> even criticisms.
>> Call 883-7965 for more info.
>> Garrett Clevenger
>> ps to Walter Steed, et al: I paraphrased what the speaker said.  I know
>> Ashcroft was attempting to revoke the FOIA.  I was unaware he was
>> in doing such.  The microphone was open to anyone to speak.  This message
>> was provided by the speaker.  I included it in that email as part of a
>> bigger point the speaker was trying to make: our government is squashing
>> civil liberties.  If I come across an official citing of this statement, I
>> will email you.  GC
>> << He said Ashcroft has revoked the Freedom of
>> Information Act and citizens are no longer able to gain access to our
>> governments records. >>
>> Please provide a cite to prove this.....
>> Walter Steed
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