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RE: Brass Tacks

Joan wrote:
I am not playing checkers, chess, or tiddlywinks; I am arguing with you.
That's what people in a democracy do when they have genuine
disagreements over the future of their community.  I believe that there
is enough room here for you and for me, but I don't want to see you
pound what I like best about Moscow into rubble so you can pack it into
your concrete forms. That's my community agenda in toto.  What's yours?

	Joan, Joan Joan:
	I'm confused. Why is it you can't see that you spend half your
efforts trying to keep people from shoving you into a little box, and
the other half of your efforts	shoving *them* into one? We get it. You
don't want ANYONE imposing their view of morality on you.

	From the tone of your posts, one would think you'd prefer to
have a crack dealer living next to you than a Christian. You've made
several personal attacks and 	assumptions about people, simply because
they *believe* in something you disagree with. 	I know it's possible to
"argue" without calling names and spitting, and it 	would be
refreshing to have you try it. I don't recall anyone questioning your
femininity, your relationship with your partner, or belittling you for
being intelligent. Yet 	it appears from your posts that you froth with
excitement at the opportunity to do so. In a debate or argument...that's
really bad form.
	You've made yourself *really* clear. You dislike Christians or
people who imply they follow Christ and use the Bible as a standard for
morality. You especially 	dislike "the Doug's" and like to waive
around Credenda like you found a secret manifesto the church has been
hiding. You want to argue your point, but refuse to 	allow another
point of view, or allow anyone to *question* your point of view.

	I moved to this area to get away from the *big city*, traffic
lights, and big ugly signage that blocks my view of the trees. I like
the four seasons, being near my 	family, listening to good jazz
at Bucer's, buying CD's at Paradise Ridge, hunting for flat Italian
parsley in the supermarkets in winter, unlocked cars in a parking
	lot, Friday Disputatio at NSA, the little Moscow/Pullman
airport, baseball in Potlatch, summer plays at Logos, shoveling snow,
and most of all...being part of a 	smaller Christian community that
advocates family, accountability, education, truth, beauty and goodness.

	That's mine. And my agenda doesn't sound all that different from
	Lucy Zoe

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