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Re: City Council on Public Nudity

Well folks, it seems our City Council has done something that many law
writing organizations in the past have done, namely they tried to write a
law that stopped a certain kind of behavor because they deemed it not in the
public good.  

In doing so, they have left our city with a law that begs legal challenge.
The language is such that a large part of the attire worn to every prom by
the young ladies not old enough to vote in this town is now illegal.  The
same goes for the formal dances at the University.  The pool has become a
place where you can count multiple legal violations per minute.   Even
attending a morning aerobics class can now be a legal peril.

The concept that was discussed in the city council meeting of selective
enforcement alters this not one wit.  If anything, it makes the law even
more a target for challenge since there will be cases where say a young
Doctor's wife wears a fancy low cut dress to a public function and is
ignored and a young coed with an attitude and a tube top that slips a bit
south will be cited.  There will be photos, more press coverage, jokes about
the prudes of Moscow.  Heck, many of the outfits seen on commericals on TV
during prime time would now break our ordinance.

The cost for the legal battles that will ensue from this comes out of the
city tax fund and at last count that means from the pockets of most of the
folks on this list.

Here is my question;  Why?

What are we attempting to do with this law?

If the issue is sex oriented businesses, then write laws that deal with
that.  There are plenty of examples on the books that have stood legal
challenges on this subject.

Is the issue the potential for traffic problems?  Then I submit that there
are or should be laws on the books about an "attractive nuisance".

Or is the issue the fact that a group of young people thumbed their noses at
the City of Moscow collectively now we have to "DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT"!  If
that is the case, we did just what they wanted us to do.  

When elections roll around, this will be an issue and I can't think of a
more laughable focus for the voting public, "how much boob is too much!"
And the kids will still be laughing at us.

Given my previous posts, its obvious I am not a liberal.  I have often voted
Republican or Libertarian (and in one noteable case the Green Party), I am
proud to be a veteran of the United States Air Force.  I marched in parades
where it was considered appropriate to spit on my uniform and under orders I
kept my mouth shut and restrained my hands.  However, given my next remarks,
I probably won't be accepted by the conservatives anymore either.  

I am calling on the City Council to rescend this law and define what it is
they are trying to accomplish with this kind of legislation.  Once the
purpose is clear, I think a better ordinance can be written.

If they won't do it, then, if someone wishes to take the lead in a petition
drive, let me know and I'll help gather signatures, put up posters and do
what ever it takes to get a vote on the issue.  I did it for the school
levy, I susppose I can do it for this too.  The difference being that here,
I am doing damage control.  

For my last parting thought, one of my favorite quotes is "that the price of
Freedom is eternal vigilance".  We fell down on the job folks and this is
the result.  My congradulations to the groups that organized to get this
ordinance passed.  They found an issue that mattered to them and however I
may disagree with their reasoning, got it addressed using the system as it
was meant to be used.  If those who feel differently don't stand up and say
what they think and get the law changed, then we deserve the Government we get.

Mark Rounds

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