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Thousands Not Represented!! Re: Who Are The Boobs?


Democracy in the USA is currently, with the levels of participation in 
voting and other civic spheres, only a minority activity, if we count the 
total number of possible legal participants against the actual number.  
Therefore, from this analysis it can be concluded there are rarely if ever 
decisions made by any governmental entity in the USA that are truly an 
expression of a full "majority" of the people affected.  This pathetic and 
sad rate of participation in what is often quite erroneously termed "the 
world's greatest DEMOCRACY" is one of the tools often used by organized 
minorities to push their agenda through.  They know that with limited 
participation they have a much higher chance of controlling the outcomes of 
elections, or in this case, manipulating city councils.  My congratulations 
to the motivation and organization of certain groups in Moscow who are 
succeeding in influencing the system!  They serve as an example to us all in 
how to make real political change!  The opposition needs to pay attention to 

In the case of the input to the city council on the nudity ordinance, there 
are thousands of legal voters and residents of Moscow who are currently 
absent from the area, whose voice was not heard on this issue.  The fact 
that this ordinance was pushed through in the summer when we all know most 
of the student population is absent certainly pokes a hole in the assertion 
that the "majority" of Moscow residents
were represented.


>From: "Gregory Dickison" <>
>To: "Vision 2020" <>
>Subject: Who Are The Boobs?
>Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 11:21:47 -0700
>Dear Comrades:
>From what I gather, over 80 per cent of the city council members, and 90 
>per cent of the public which commented, was in favor of the the new 
>ordinance. The opposition apparently came from a very small, yet very 
>vocal, minority (which minority was upset that the council would not 
>"waste" more time on repetitive public comment).
>I am puzzled as to why you are being so hard on something that the vast 
>majority believes is important, and is worth taking time to accomplish. Why 
>aren't you happy that the democratic process worked the will of the people? 
>Is it that you are more enlightened? Or just arrogant?
>Gregory C. Dickison
>Lawyer & Counselor at Law
>Post Office Box 8846
>312 South Main Street
>Moscow, Idaho 83843
>(208) 882-4009

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