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Re: Alturas

Bill Strand wrote:

> As for Greg Brown's comments, I just will respond that - without any
> knowledge of my company or the people who run it and work here - his post
> was insulting and ignorant. I suppose that when you remove yourself from
> daily contact with the actual situation as he has, it is difficult to offer
> a constructive opinion. Exactly what did he hope to contribute with his
> posting?

     Actually, you made the point better than I did.  Succeeding in
business, especially technology, is a long shot, a gamble, a crap
shoot.  I'm pleased that your business has been able to endure
and succeed.  I'm not convinced the Moscow community would not
have otherwise helped without Alturas.  The strength of the Moscow
community is its social capital, not its bricks and mortar.  This
list is a testament to the passion of the community.

    Promises were made about Alturas that were highly speculative
and it took creative subversion of  laws designed to encourage
urban renewal to make it happen.  I resent government operating
that way.

    So now the *real* nature of technology business investment is
out in the open for all who care to see.  A few businesses succeed,
most fail.  Consequently, most government subsized (or risk underwriting)
programs fail more than they succeed.  Alturas is trying to make
lemonade.  I can appreciate that and I certainly harbor no ill will
toward anyone trying to eak out a living there.

   Regarding "tightening" the rules...the damage is done.  I don't
see any benefit to holding the line on the nature of the businesses
provided leasing agreements are structured to favor technology
businesses (e.g., non-technology business have short term leases,
and not automatically renewable.  Technology businesses granted
long-term leases).  Technology business turnover must be
structured into the leasing arrangments.

   Is there anyone ought there who can inform us as to the nature
of the leasing agreements?

Greg Brown (
Associate Professor and Chair
Environmental Science Dept.
Alaska Pacific University
Anchorage, AK  99508
(907) 564-8267  FAX: (907) 562-4276

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