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Re: rumor control

> The point made very clear by the observer was that the biblical
> paradigm was in conflict with current moral standards. If I said that
> Muslim fundamentalist whackos who fly airplanes into skyscrapers and
> kill thousands of innocent civilians should be shot; or that perverts
> who kidnap, torture, rape and kill 9-year-old girls should be strung
> up, it would pass almost without comment. But when I express even mild
> disagreement with homosexuality as a legitmate lifestyle, let alone
> call for any sanction, the arbiters of the morals of modernity call
> for my head. It is not the idea of punishment that bothers you, it is
> what gets punished. And, I would chime in with Mr. Wilson, who gets to
> decide?

I would have a problem with you saying anyone should be shot or strung up.
Violent responses to violence are like circular arguements, it just keeps
going around and around.  Taking an eye for an eye would leave the whole
world blind.  Who gets to decide who gets punished?  Well when it comes
down to it isn't it just as bad to kill the murderer?  We all (ideally)
get to decide.  Not just the Christians and not just the Muslims or any
one group.  That is why (in theory) we live in a democratic society.

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