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"Coming out..."

"Just a theoretical question:

For those list members who feel a classroom is an inappropriate place to
"come out," do you also think that Vision 2020 is an inappropriate place to
come out?

Bob Hoffmann"


You betcha.  Why do I need to know this?  It seems like a personal choice to me, and none of my business.  And it is none of the kids' business, either.  It is absolutely not appropriate in schools.  It gets in the way.

I teach History and Government.  I am not qualified, nor do I desire, to teach sexual orientation classes as well.  We already have more than sufficient course distractors foisted upon us by the federal, state and local bureaucracies.  I don't care whether my teaching colleagues are hetro, homo, bi, or keep small ponies in their backyards, so long as it doesn't interfere with them giving the kids in this town a good education, and they keep it to themselves.

Don Kaag

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