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School Affair

Over the past few months everyone has had something to say about the problems with our school.  Except one group of people.  They have something to say but are never heard.  The students.  I'm a ninth grader in the Moscow School District, and have been sickened to watch parents attack, and defend, a school system that they themselves have never experienced.  I cannot grasp the concept that a group of people can know how to improve something when they themselves have never been in it.  Instead of trying to decide how to run the schools how each of the adults would see fit, I propose that the students get some say in the arguement that has been going on.  Nobody knows better than the students of the district about how the schools are run.  I think we would all agree that the point of schools is to give young people an education.  An education that is run by a group of people familar with today's schools, and not by a group of people familar with yesterday's schools.
-Kacey Krehbiel 
----- Original Message -----
From: escape
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 8:36 PM
Subject: How are you

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