school levy
- To:
- Subject: school levy
- From:
- Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 17:53:57 EDT
- Resent-Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 14:54:23 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <>
- Resent-Sender:
Gerry Weitz has paid $85 to have his bias about the Moscow schools included
in the April chamber newsletter. As he is so inclined to do, he times this
thrust so that no reply can be arranged in another chamber publication prior
to the vote on the levy.
He compares Pullman's schools to Moscow's. In his view, as we have seen,
Moscow comes up short. I would certainly not argue that the Moscow schools
are perfect. On the other hand, the two communities and their states are
different, and those differences will be reflected in the schools.
I am convinced that for the sake of this community and its children, we need
to support this levy. It is ridiculous to argue that we must withhold the
funds until the schools improve. Especially given what the state legislature
has done this session, the consequences will be terrible if the levy fails.
I hope nobody doubts that the effects of hard times in public schools and
higher education will be felt by our businesses as well.
What a shame that an individual with so much ability as Weitz has such
capacity to be destructive. Let's vote for the schools and our kids. Then,
let's be sure we move in a direction that reflects our values.
Shirley Ringo
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