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RE: Level Testing

The Idaho Statesman has an editorial on this today:

The State Board of Education wants level testing which shows how a student
has progressed on academic skills without regard to grade level.  The Fed,
however, has mandated grade-level testing which assess whether the student
has achieved up to (but not beyond) their grade level.
Ron Force
Moscow Idaho USA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 5:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: Level Testing
> Today my daughter took a 'leveling' test. The point of this test
> was to figure
> out where each student is, before giving them a standardized
> test. Apparently
> the purpose of this is to give each student a standardized test
> that will be at
> his or her level. There does not seem to be a correlation between the
> curriculum to be learned or any other factor.  What is the point
> of that??
> Won't that just provide a bunch of scores showing that students
> are at the
> average level for the test they took? This will make the district
> look good I
> suppose. Apparently this is in response to the state mandated
> tests. So how
> does this help the district plan- nothing in the information I
> received about
> the leveling test stated that the kid would be placed in classes
> based upon the
> scores. Anybody out there have any input?
> H.
> Jordan
> ---------------------------------------------
> This message was sent by First Step Internet.

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