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Re: Social Promotion

Did you attend private schools?  Granted the "system"  may not be perfect but
the same can be said about several structures in our society.

How about mentioning one positive concept?  There are a lot of great minds and
wonderful people that received their education from public schools K-12 and
colleges and universities.

Gee, you sound like the kind of fellow that would complain that the sun was
"too" bright.

Have a great day!

Ry Jones wrote:

> Why not just admit that public education is a failure and move on? Why are
> we, as a society, so fixated on public education as the only solution for
> educating our kids?
> I was going to rant on social promotion, but the failure is really
> continuing funding of public schools.
> My argument was going to be that social promotion devalues a high school
> diploma, but how much less value can a diploma have? All having one means is
> you sat still and turned off your brain for 12 years. If the schools want to
> hand them out to illiterate young adults, well, so be it.

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