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Re: Palouse Mall landscaping

Shelley Longeteig-Lupher wrote:
> I have been following this lively debate for some time, and a few questions
> keep coming to mind regarding this issue that I hope some of you can answer:
> 1.  Why is it only the mall property that has to adhere to such vegetation
> rules?

When the Palouse Mall was planned, there were commitments
made and accepted by all parties to the project -- the mall,
the university and the City of Moscow -- that landscaping
such as was destroyed a year and a half ago would be

So whether there needs to be similar landscaping elsewhere
doesn't have any bearing on the mall situation.

The present unhappiness on the part of some people (me
included) is mostly the result of discussing View Lines.
View Lines (I know that I'm being repetitive) are What We
Don't Want. Arrogance is something else we don't want, but
there's so much arrogance on the national scene that it may
come to be viewed as The New American Virtue.

Don Coombs

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