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Re: For Discussion

Greetings Visionaires -

Ron Rankin, a Kootenai County Commissioner, has been pushing the 1% Intiative 
in Idaho for quite a while.  Every election year he manages to get it placed on 
the ballot.  Every election year those of us who look beyond tonight's party 
and can foresee tomorrow's hangover vote it down.  The state of Washington has 
already enjoyed a short-lived party and certain portions of Washington are 
suffering a major "hangover" as a result of their recent property tax 
reduction.  Their hangover is likely to worsen before it gets any better.

My impression is that some people want everything given to them free.  My 
definition of "free" is that somebody else pays for it.  In this case it may be 
paid for by the next generation and they may be paying for it sooner than we 
think as we send them off to school.

Every parent wants a better life for their children.  These arepromises we make 
to ourselves regularly.  We can start living up to that promise in April.  Pass 
the levy.

Take care,

Tom Hansen

> Given the political climate in Idaho and the State Legislature's ability to
> shrug off it's financial burdens, how long before we see a property tax
> initiative on the ballot and what chance of success will it have?
> John Danahy

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