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Legislative Update - Feb 25-Mar 1


The Idaho Legislature moves through the 8th week.  It appears that the 
session will be over by March 15th.

1. Public Education Appropriation  --  Friday the House approved the $909 
million public education appropriation.  This is about $20 million below 
the Governor's recommendation.  Rep. Bell, JFAC Co-Chair, said this 
represents a 2% increase.  There is evidence on the Senate side that 
further cuts may be planned.  Rep. Young and I voted to support the 
bill.  We felt that by supporting an amendment that further cuts might be made.

2. Tax Moratorium Legislation  --  This legislation was submitted to the 
Rev and Tax Committee.  Rep. Donna Boe and I are recommending that a two 
year moratorium on 50% of the personal income tax be passed to help support 
education.  This would yield about $60 million over a two year period. The 
impact on a family earning $30,000 net would be about $50/year.  $60 
million could go a long ways to support both public and higher 
education.  We have thousands of signatures on petitions support the 
legislation.  Rep. Crow told both of us that she would not have a hearing 
on the legislation early last week; however, the Statesman reported she had 
changed her mind and that we will have a hearing this coming week.

3. $80 Million Dollar Jackpot  --  Here is an interesting source of money 
that could be used for education and other state services.  The State Tax 
Commission estimates that about 40,000 Idaho taxpayers don't pay their 
state income tax.  That means that taxpayers who pay taxes subsidize these 
laggards.  Rep. Gagner and Sen. Bunderson of JFAC moved that 20 tax 
auditors be hired, and that each auditor could yield about $4 million 
clear/year.  That would total $80 million/year that could be used for 
education.  JFAC in it's wisdom voted the measure down.  I'm checking out 
to see if we could hang an amendment hiring the auditors on an 
appropriations bill.

4. Capital Facilities  --  There is about $80 million in this fund.  The 
priority schedule puts the $11.7 million U. of I. Teaching - Learning 
Center third from the top.  However, if the economic situation continues to 
decline the whole pot of $80 million may be put on the table to support 
other activities.

5. Squaw Bill  --  This compromise bill passed the House 70-0.  Rep. Julie 
Ellsworth and I crafted the bill with support from the Nez Perce 
Tribe.  This bill concerns the naming of Idaho landmarks.  The resolution 
encourages Idahoans to suggest changing offensive names that they think are 
offensive and present alternatives to the State Historical Society.  The 
issue is a matter of basic decency and respect for one's fellow citizens.

6. Registration of Farm Labor Contractor Bill  --  SB1239 sailed through 
the Senate without a negative vote.  It passed the House Ag Affairs 
Committee 12-0.  Rep. Ken Robison and I will co-sponsor the bill on the 
House floor. Both of us have worked on this legislation for three 
years.  It is a bill that will help both farmers and farm workers  --  it 
has economic and human rights benefits.

7. House Committee Approves Legislation To Create a Legislative Study of 
the Idaho Elections System  --  including why voters aren't turning out and 
how campaigns are funded.  The House State Affairs Committee approved a 
bill Co-sponsored by Sen. Betsy Dunklin, Rep. Gary Young and myself.  We 
did find out that no Interim Committees will be funded this Summer, but 
Speaker Bruce Newcomb will form a task force to research the issue.  Voter 
turnout has declined more than 15% from 1980.  About 1/4 of the legislative 
incumbents have faced a competitor.  The cost of judicial races has gone up 
330% in the past six years  --  from $42,000 to $146,000/year and most of 
that money has come from outside the state.

Please send your comments and suggestions to me at 
Phone (208) 332-1202 and check my website at

Rep. Tom Trail/Dist. 5

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