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response to Jerry Shutz

From the desk of Jerry Shutz:

Second:  The Mardi Gras Ball Tickets were numbered, as I personally stamped 4000 of the buggers, with a numbering stamp. Only about 2000 were sold.
Jerry - how about the first set of printed tickets that were not numbered? Tell me how many tickets were printed TOTAL! Also - Kerri states last Mardi Gras was the biggest ever. Where are the door proceeds from all of those that did not receive a ticket? Where are the monies from the bead sales? So - only 2,000 tickets sold...hmmmmmm

I will say that from an historical view, Shelly Roderick has her nose out of
joint for about 3 years with the Mardi Gras Committee.  After she stormed
out of a Board Meeting and resigned her position on the committee;  because
a vote didn't go in her favor.

Jerry, what was the vote that did not go in my favor? Please explain to the community..........for they are listening. I have my notes.

At that time Shelly thought that MG should put more than $4000 in FREE
entertainment in her 3 clubs, so that she could reap the benefits of the bar

Where did this come from? I have my got yours? Does Mardi Gras not reap from my door? CJ's is a major contributor to Mardi Gras.

The Committee voted not to do that and only paid for Main floor and
Ballroom entertainment, at the time The Underground was not in use regular
use, did not have a name and CJ's management was still trying to find a
niche for the basement space

Black Rhino is closed. How much did the band cost? Why would you put a band in a closed business? This is part of that vote.........

Look at your notes Jerry, The Underground or the basement of CJ's has always been a part of Mardi Gras from it's existence. Since you brought it much were The Toucans paid? How many people showed up? I have pictures. How much is a band paid which only brings small dollars to the table? Nose out of joint? YOU BET! Oh - and the committee pays for hotel rooms for a band that is here every 8 weeks or so anyways? And this band played the night before to a packed house? Who would want to see them again the next day. Mardi Gras! Favortism? Hmmmmmmmm

The Management of CJ's has made each of the successive MG Organizing
Committees collective life hell, by missing deadlines, 

stalling contract negotiations with bands,
Wait a minute here...........didn't a band walk out because the committee would not give them a contract after agreeing to? Because of this escapade on behalf of the Mardi Gras committee, less than 24 hours prior to show time, Phil said the Mardi Gras committee will contract with Phil personally and Phil will take care of the entertainment for CJ's? Was this not the agreement as set forth? WASN'T THE BANDS NAME ON THE POSTER? Does this committee make sound decisions? Hmmmmmmmmm.

and NOT making themselves available to proof copy.
I have an answer machine on 24 hours a day. I HAVE NEVER BEEN ASKED TO "PROOF" a copy of anything.

Maybe that's why a typo got through. Even with 12 people proofreading
mistakes happen.  It was only one year, not every year.

That is a very scary thought that 12 people can proof something and it still gets out wrong. #1 CJ's Diversified????? #2 Moscow Social Club not on the poster?????? There is more.............I have the old you? It appears everyone else has always got their names spelled correctly. Favoritism?

I think it would be great if Mardi Gas could turn into a weekend long event;
however, for that to happen more people need to get involved.  Quite frankly
in 5 years there has been very little momentum for planning a bigger, better
celebration, just keeping the event alive has been the major task.
Recruiting Board Members and volunteers to serve has been extremely
difficult, and the handful of members can't do more without help.

If it wasn't so self serving.........there would be more involved. How about letting the Vice President go? Why did you not let her back? Will she see something or is it because she did see something? Hmmmmmm.

It amazing it happens at all really.  The Parade is a good example of the lack of community interest (which has now been replaced by the daytime activities);
Did I not bring to the table the parade should be held in the evening and there should be a floating trophy amongst Fraternities and Sororities with a cash prize of a donation to their favorite charity? Remember, this is an adult event.

Regardless of whether this issue was brought up on V2020, it has always been the policy of the MG Board to NOT get into pissing matches in public.
Not a pissing match...........just want some questions answered. This is a community forum discussing a community event, right?

Shelly has her ax to grind and she won't be happy until she destroys the
event and can remake it into her own personal profit center.  Now that is

Jerry, I am saddened by this comment. I am not trying to destroy this event. Only trying to make the public aware of what is really going on. What "profit center" am I to expect? I am only asking for a couple of questions answered. Plain and simple.

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