Legislative Newsletter IV - Jan 27-Feb 1, 2002
- To:
- Subject: Legislative Newsletter IV - Jan 27-Feb 1, 2002
- From: RepTrail <>
- Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2002 19:56:14 -0600
- Resent-Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 18:03:12 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <>
- Resent-Sender:
Legislative Newsletter IV - Jan 27-Feb 1, 2002
It's been a hectic week at the Capitol. Rep. Francis Field introduced a
bill in the House Ag Affairs Committee that would have us name the spud as
Idaho's official vegetable. Representatives from the Treasure Valley
report deep concern and distress in certain governmental quarters that the
State Capitol was not listed on the Al Queda hard-drives as a top priority
terrorist target. It probably wasn't listed because it is 100% secure.
2. Transportation -- Region 2 Transportation Commissioner Bruce Sweeney
dropped by. He said that a public hearing on the Moscow-Genesee 4-lane
highway route would be held in late spring. A final decision will probably
be made in May by the Department of Transportation.
3. Term Limits -- Governor Kempthorne vetoed the term limits bill on
Thursday and the House and Senate over rode the veto on Friday. The vote
was 50-20 in the House and 26-9 in the Senate. Rep. Gary Young voted
against the repeal of the term limits law, and I voted to overturn term
limits. No doubt, we will have an initiative drive to put term limits back
on the ballot for the fall.
4. S1305 -- Sen. Schroeder and I co-sponsored this bill which would have
again allowed the state to advertise the Children's Health Insurance
Program funded by a Medicaid 80% match to the State's 20%. Twenty four
people testified in favor of the bill, but the bill lost in Committee by a
5-2 vote. The state is finding that more and more children are eligible
for the CHIPS program as our unemployment rate increases. The state is
only using about 37% of the available Medicaid funds. Many families not
knowing about the CHIPs Program take their children directly to Emergency
Rooms. Treatment is very expensive and the taxpayer picks up the bill in
most cases. Children who are covered by the insurance can be taken care of
when medical problems emerge. The CHIPs program saves the taxpayer money
over the long run.
5. Education -- The House Education Committee agreed to support a $933
million K-12 public education budget and send the recommendation to
JFAC. This option would transfer $9.1 million from the Budget
Stabilization Fund to the General Fund and eliminate the second
holdback. The second major component would be to pass a $13,994,500
supplemental, and in July direct the first $9.1 million in angel money to
be deposited in the Budget Stabilization Fund as reimbursement.
The Department of Education recommends taking out the line items for Gifted
and Talented, Grants for Innovative Teachers, and reducing the amount for
the Idaho Reading Initiative (i.e. zero funding). I protested against
taking out the funds for gifted and talented programs, and I'm certain JFAC
will receive a great deal of calls and correspondence to restore the funding.
6. Budgets -- Governor Kempthorne has recommended taking some funding for
K-12 education from the Budget Stabilization Fund, and about $3.5 million
from the Capitol Restoration Fund for HB325 -- to pay interest for
schools with critical building needs whose patrons pass the needed plant
facilities levy. These are good first steps, but additional monies are
available in the Budget Stabilization Fund and the Capitol Restoration Fund
that could be tapped for education as well as the almost $19 million
Tobacco settlement payment coming in April. There will be a bill
introduced that calls for a holdback of 50% on individual income tax rebate
component of the tax cuts passed last session.
8. Webpage -- I've posted position papers on three bills that I'm
introducing on my legislative update page under the
position papers link (These papers outline in detail thoughts on Idaho Fair
Elections, the Squaw bill, and the Amendment to protect hunting and fishing
rights of Idaho Sportsmen.
Please contact me with your concerns and comments. My e mail is and phone 332-1202.
Rep. Tom Trail/Dist. 5
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