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Share the Road License Plates

Title: Share the Road License Plates
This isn't Idaho, but it worth sharing while the subject of legislation/plates is coming upŠ


Howdy folks,

I just got an e-mail from David and Martha Jones, the parents of Cooper
Jones. For those of you who don't know, Cooper Jones was a team member
of the Baddlands Cycling Club who was hit and killed by a car in 1997
during a BCC Twilight Series individual time trial in the Spokane area.
He was 13 years old at the time. David and Martha have lobbied the
Washington State Legislature to pass several pieces of legislation that
have promoted bicycling safety in our state. Their latest effort is the
creation of a car license plate similar to collegiate logo license
plates. Instead of a collegiate logo, it will have a bicycle and the
words "Share the Road" and "Cooper Jones Act". All of the proceeds from
sales of the plates will go to funding bicycle safety education in the
state. What a cool idea: put a bicycle on your car's license plate and
help out a worthy cause at the same time.

But here's the deal - the bill that create these plates needs to make it
through the legislature. You can help by calling the legislative hot
line at1-800-562-6000.  All you need to do is tell them your name and
address and that you want to support Senate Bill 6248. Let them know
that you want the Cooper Jones Share the Road license plate to advance
out of committee and to the house and senate for a vote. For those of
you that are not Washington residents, you can still call the hot line
and let our voted officials know that you noticed how serious Washington
is about the safety of its residents as well as working towards the
resolution of transportation problems. This is a short session and
everyone has budget cuts and tax increases on the brain. We really need
to make some noise in order for this bill to advance it through the

For those of you who like to read the fine print, you can check it out

Thanks for your help,

J. David Lawson, Ph.D.
School of Molecular Biosciences
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-4660
Phone: (509) 335-8010
Fax: (509) 335-9688


        * * * * * * * *
        Sean Michael


        * * * * * * * *
        Sean Michael, Ph.D.
        Program Coordinator / Assistant Professor
        Dept. of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
        Washington State University

        149 Johnson/ Pullman 99164-6414
        509.335.1470  /  .8690 F

Note: this email is intended solely for the recipient(s) to whom it is sent.  The contents may not be distributed, in part or in whole, without the author's consent.

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