RE: Interesting Editorial
If I remember correctly, it was the 50 yard line
of Kezar Stadium in Golden Gate Park where the 49ers
used to play before Candlestick was built...but that's
just a trivial point. Do you really think Dirty
Harry went far enough on the 50 yard line? The bad
guy still did a lot of bad things even after he was
crippled by that .44 Magnum shot to the leg. There
probably is no right answer to the question of "How
far would you go?". If it's my kid's life on the
line, I expect that I would keep beating on the
kidnappers (if it were in my power to do so) until
they started singing or until there bodies were so
bludgeoned from blunt force trauma that they were no
longer capable of sustaining life. It's tough to
tell what a desperate parent would do in an attempt
to save their child's life. A lot of lower life forms
fight to the death to protect their offspring.
--- P C <> wrote:
> Tom, excellent. I believe Clint Eastwood addressed
> that very scenario
> on the 50 yard line of Candlestick Park in an
> appropriate and very
> humane maner in the 1971 hit "Dirty Harry". I
> always liked Clint
> Eastwood.
> Phil Cooper
> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
> From: "Tom Hansen" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: RE: Ineresting Editorial
> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 07:28:10 -0800
> Greetings Visionaires -
> There was an interesting analogy concerning
> treatment/torture of prisoners
> on television the other night. It was all summed up
> with one question at
> the end of the show.
> Scenario: Your son or daughter has been kidnapped.
> The kidnapper has been
> apprehended. You (and the police) have been
> informed by the kidnapper that
> your son or daughter has been buried (alive) in a
> box with enough oxygen to
> last three more hours.
> Question: How far would you go to force the
> kidnapper to tell you where
> your son or daughter is located?
> This same scenario (with minimum modifications) can
> be applied to these
> prisoners and the potential for future terrorist
> attacks against the US.
> Take care,
> Tom Hansen
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From:
> []
> >Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 10:55 PM
> >To:;;
> >Subject: Re: Ineresting Editorial
> >
> >
> >Thank you, John. You said it far better than I
> could. I do hope the
> >US will not be in the same morally indefensible
> position as the
> >nations who have violated human rights on the basis
> of "but they
> >did it to us".
> >Debi Robinson-Smith
> >
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