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Re: Fw: Legislative Newsletter--II--January 13-18.2002

At 06:36 PM 1/21/2002 -0700, Tom Trail wrote:
> >  5.  Constitutional Amendment to Protect Idaho Citizen Hunting and 
> Fishing Rights.   Rep. Bob Harwood and I are co-sponsoring this
>constitutional amendment.  North Dakota, Virginia, and Alabama citizens 
>recently approved such legislation.  The amendment reads as follows:
>Hunting, trapping, and fishing and the taking of wild animals, wild birds and
> > wild fish are a valued part of our heritage and will be forever 
> preserved for the people of the state of Idaho within the boundaries of the
> > state of Idaho.  All wildlife shall be managed by laws and regulations 
> which
> > provide continued supplies for Idaho citizens to harvest by traditional
> > methods of take.

Mr. Trail,

What is this amendment about?  I'm a hunter and fisher, but I don't know 
the intent of this law.  To eliminate harassment of hunters?  To prevent 
legislation such as the initiative in Washington that outlawed certain 
kinds of traps?  Guaranteeing the operation of fish hatcheries?  Something 
I haven't thought of?  The amendment seems kind of vague, and I imagine 
that attorneys are salivating over the prospect of umpteen lawsuits to 
define the scope of the amendment.

I believe that constitutional amendments should only be enacted if there is 
a pressing need.  What is the pressing need you are addressing with 
this?  According to a 1990 USFWS survey, 70% of adults in Idaho hunt and/or 
fish.  It is hard to imagine that we have a threatened pastime.


Bob Hoffmann
846 Mabelle St.
Moscow, ID  83843

Tel: 208 883-0642

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