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Fw: Will you nominate someone?

Dear Visionaries,

I found this an interesting invitation... I have several to suggest,
especially from outside of Boise! UVI is a very progressive and positive
group that is non-partisan and interested in the future of Idahoans.

All the best,

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Hansen at UVI <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 10:45 AM
Subject: Will you nominate someone?

> Who do you think should be recognized as:
> * Idaho Labor leader of the year
> * Idaho Environmentalist of the year
> * Idaho Grassroots organizer of the year
> * Idaho Progressive administrator of the year
> * Idaho Human Rights advocate of the year
> * Idaho Progressive public official of the year
> * Idaho Progressive businessperson of the year
> * Also for Lifetime Achievement for the Progressive Movement in Idaho
> Send your Nominations to United Vision for Idaho No Later than November
> As you know, United Vision for Idaho will host our 4th annual Progressive
> Celebration and Awards Dinner on January 7, 2002. We will be honoring
> several wonderful people of the year who have made a difference in the
> movement for social justice, democracy, environmental quality and human
> rights. We will also be honoring people who over their lifetime, have made
> a big difference to the movement in Idaho.
> Please take a moment to think about people you think should receive an
> award. What a perfect thing to share with family and friends this
> Thanksgiving!
> Too often the work of so many people is unacknowledged in the larger
> progressive movement. Yet, they are the reason why we are collectively
> making a difference in our communities and in our state.
> This movement is getting stronger because of incredible and often
> unrecognized heros.
> We want to recognize them because their stories need to be told. January
> 7th is our day of celebration and their stories have the power to inspire
> us all.
> The awards will be given to:
> 1. Labor leader of the year
> 2. Environmentalist of the year
> 3. Grassroots organizer of the year
> 4. Progressive administrator of the year
> 5. Human Rights advocate of the year
> 6. Progressive public official of the year
> 7. Progressive businessperson of the year
> Also, once again, we will award:
> 8.  Two Lifetime Achievement Awards
> The same person can be nominated for more than one category. Make sure the
> name, address and phone number of the person making the nomination is
> included with the nomination so if we need more information, we know who
> contact.
> Also, remember to think about people who may be outside your own immediate
> networks. Think about the work of people of color, people with
> disabilities, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered people, youth, low
> income people, and many others.
> UVI is taking nominations now through November 28. Send your nominations
> UVI via e-mail to or fax them to 208-363-9010 or mail
> to P.O. Box 2181, Boise, ID 83701 or hand deliver them to 1412 Idaho
> Street, Suite 100, Boise Idaho, 83702.
> Nominations for the various people of the year should include a
> of the nominee's accomplishments this year. Nominations for Lifetime
> Achievement awards should include descriptions of their achievements in
> past. Nominees for Lifetime Achievement do not need to be currently active
> in the movement. At past Celebration Dinners, we have honored some
> wonderful people who did great work in the 60's, 70's and 80's. Many new
> activists had not heard of them and were inspired by their stories.
> United Vision for Idaho's board of directors will make the selection from
> among the nominees by early December. Nominators will need to assist UVI
> securing photos as soon as the selections are made so we can include them
> in our printed program.
> [Please feel free to cut, paste and personalize this message to your
> friends and send it via e-mail or in person. A Word copy of this
> information is attached for you to print out, copy and pass on]


> United Vision for Idaho
> PO Box 2181
> Boise, ID 83701
> Ph 208.331.7028
> Fax 208.363.9010
> E-mail:
> Website:

2002 Awards Nominations.doc

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