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Nance Ceccarelli wrote:
Wow - Susan - I thought we were simply besieged with the mysterious call(s)(ers) because we were on this south facing slope of Moscow Mt.! It has been a regular occurrence since we connected our phone in Dec 1999 - although not more than four or five times a week of which I am aware.I wonder if anyone out there has this happen: Regularly, while speaking on the telephone for at least 15-20 minutes (or connected with the computer online ) the phone will suddenly switch to a dial tone. The other end hears "shhzhshzhs" - if on the computer, it attempts to redial the connection. I have found that depressing the "hang-up" button in the cradle momentarily and releasing it, allows the telephone conversation to continue! Verizon tells me it must be that I am answering my call waiting (we do not have the service) or I am disconnecting the phone inadvertently or...they really aren't sure what to do.
Maybe we have a "talk limiting" service without knowing it!
Nance Ceccarelli
1031 Showalter Road
Moscow ID 83843Susan wrote:
Visionaries, For the last 1-2 weeks, our phone has rung anywhere from 1 to 3 different times almost daily with nobody (seemingly) at the other end. We are on the no-call list with the State of Idaho, so we no longer receive telephone solitications. These mysterious calls are different--not the brief pause before a telemarketer is connected, rather nobody responds to the hello even if we stay on the line and wait. The reason I post this is that my parents have reported to us that they are experiencing the same thing, as is another couple we know. I am wondering if this recent phenomenon is fairly widespread, or is just isolated to us. I am curious if any of you are also experiencing this. Does anyone have an explanation for it? Many thanks ... and enjoy Thanksgiving. Susan Palmer