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RE: Levy Timing

I have contacted people in Boise and am waiting to hear from them regarding 
combining elections - of whatever kinds.  I'll keep you all posted when I 
find out the details.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Tom Lamar []
Sent:	Wednesday, November 14, 2001 11:20 AM
Subject:	Re: Levy Timing


I think what people mean by the "bad timing" comment is that 'these are
economically depressed times, and everyone is cutting their budget so they
won't be willing to support the schools', etc.  But just a week ago, these
same budget cutters were willing to fund the fire department... so my
question now is:  Why are people saying that the school district's request
will be a victim of bad timing?  Is it just that the fire department's vote
was first?  It seems that if people are willing to raise their own taxes to
build a third fire station, they would be willing to support our school

The combined election day issue is separate and should also be explored.  I
would love to see our Highway District elections combined with other
elections.  I wonder how many vsion 2020 subscribers have ever participated
in an August Highway District election...


>In a message dated 11/14/01 9:18:51 AM, writes:
><< In several places (including the Daily News) I have read or heard 
>to the "poor timing" of the school levy.  This is something that makes no
>sense to me.  Why was it good timing for the Fire Department to ask voters
>for new money, and bad timing for the schools? >>
>Tom, I am pretty sure the Fire Dept. bond, being a City vote, by State law
>could only be held the first Tues. of Nov, Feb., May or August.  Schools 
>not limited to these times and thus could pick a time of their choosing.
>Walter Steed

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