RE: Junior High experience
This is my first post to this list, so bear with me. I thought I'd give my
two cents from the trenches, being as it is that I'm attending this
much-lauded junior high.
Although Moscow is lightyears ahead of other parts of the country, it's
nowhere near perfect. The budgets are short for many things and the
teacher's salaries are abominable for the amount of effort they put in. Of
course, that's not a local condition, it's nation-wide, but work on it has
to start somewhere. I know that's not the main issue addressed in the levy,
but I'm of the opinion that anything that can be done to improve schools
anywhere in any way should be done. Just because one levy passes doesn't
mean another can't, if people care to make it happen.
I know it won't effect most of you, and that you can turn around and say
that you didn't get any better so why should anyone now? But hopefully I
don't have to explain the logic behind progress. First impressions may be
good, but the education system is still lacking. I'd give the whole, "think
about your child's future," spiel but I'm sure all have you have heard it
before. So I'll just say think about the future in general, nearly everyone
I know is miserable from the way the education system works, do we want this
to go on forever?
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Hill []
Sent: November 13, 2001 8:49 PM
Subject: Junior High experience
Being new to the area, and in light of the upcoming levy referendum, I
thought I'd share our experience and impressions of Moscow Jr. High.
Our daughter is in 8th grade; this is her 2d year there. She is an
independant thinker, a great reader and writer, a verbal "people person"
with little hard education in Math and Science. Coming from a Montessori
background, we were leary of the transition to a "traditional" school
system where work is graded and students' time is rigorously scheduled,
including homework time.
Our experience here took us by surprise. The school is run by concerned
and talented administrators; the faculty is dedicated, smart, well
coordinated and fun; the curriculum is challenging and accomodating.
Things run smoothly, and there is a good "vibe" around. We feel our
daughter is taken care of and watched out for. The facility, while not new,
is well cared for, and the sports facilities are fabulous. Our daughter
has found good friends and is flourishing in the tough teenage years.
Compared with the schools in Nashville (where funding has been abysmal for
many years) we're light-years ahead. Whether this is an argument for
spending more or for holding the line is an individual decision; but I'm
all for spending money where it really does good, and here it's really
doing good.
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