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RE: Another Urban (Local) Legend??

False.  The University contacted the University Inn-- everyone there said
"it didn't happen".  It's posted on the urban legends page
under "Rumors of War" with Bob Hoover's rebuttal.
Ron Force
Dean of Library Services  (208) 885-6534
University of Idaho     Moscow 83844-2350

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 3:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: Another Urban (Local) Legend??
> I received the following by E-mail from out of state.  Can only
> believe that
> someone on V2020 will know whether it really happened or not.  I
> have deleted
> all the forwards as I don't want to punish the innocent, or the
> guilty, as
> the case may be.
> Walter Steed
> "To all, This was sent to me by an old buddy, jet driver and POW
> in Viet Nam,
> AJ Myers.   I thought ya'll would like to hear that many of us
> feel the same
> way about protestors and some will continue to stand up against such
> "things."
> Another example of what the cancer of the unearned does to the taxpayer
> subsidized University minds & its professors making thousands a
> month for a
> few hours of drivel in front of minds full of mush.   The result of this
> story should happen in every place in America, evil progresses
> when good men
> do nothing.   Thankfully these men stood up to the ignorant & mentally
> challenged.
> Subject: OK in Idaho I arrived in Moscow, Idaho (Home of Idaho University
> one block from Best Western) and went to dinner at Best Western.   About
> 85-100 people were in the Restaurant.   I'm at a table for about
> 5   minutes
> when this "Group" comes in (20 people).   They have Anti-War Picket
> Signs with them.   It appears that two of these demonstrators are
> Professors.
> They all sit at a large round table behind me and begin to talk
> very loudly
> about US atrocities in Afghanistan.   One of   "Professors" stands up and
> gives a brief talk about how the "US is famous for atrocities" and
> Aghanistan will be no different.   One of the students asked a question
> about Viet Nam POW's.   The "Professor" makes a comment about how that was
> only US propaganda about poor treatment of POW's.
> OK - I'm really mad now and I jump up and go over to their table.   (In
> retrospect - Over the entrance to the Restaurant is a huge American
> Flag.On each table is an American Flag and a small hand painted
> sign "United
> We Stand")
> I excuse myself and ask the Professor if I can ask him a
> question.   He says
> yes.   I said that he appears to be of age to have served in Viet Nam, and
> asked   him if he had served.   His answer was, "NO - I defended
> this Campus
> and told the truth to the   students.
> I then asked if he remembered what he was doing on February 16,
> 1969.   When
> he answered, "Of course not - that was too long ago," I responded,
> "Really, I remember what I was doing.   That was the second day of my
> capture   and I had been standing in a bamboo cage for 24 hours with water
> up to my
> chest".
> I then said "Sir, your comments about how POW's in Nam were treated are a
> lie and I personally say to you, you are a ******* liar, as you never were
> there.   I was a POW and they did not treat our POWs humanly.   The only
> other   person I have ever heard make the statements like you have is Jane
> Fonda.
> Is she telling the truth and not me?"
> He stood up and after about 10 seconds said, "Jane is a great
> patriot and I
> cannot visualize her lying."
> With that, I reached over and grabbed the small American Flag and
> United We
> Stand sign and said, "I'm taking this back to my table where it can be
> appreciated".
> No one said a word to me as I started to walk back.
> However after a few seconds, people started standing up and applauding all
> around the restaurant.   Two men got up from a table across the room and
> walked over to me.   The first identified himself as former US Marine
> Lieutenant Flynn and the other man was former Gunnery Sergeant Graboski.
> In a loud voice after introducing themselves, Lt.   Flynn said they were
> former Marine Guards at a US Embassy.   He then said, "We are over at this
> table to defend the US Flag from all foes, both foreign and domestic."
> They then sat down and asked their Waitress to bring their meals
> over to my
> table.   A few more minutes went by with loud comments from the "Anti-War"
> table.
> All of a sudden, "Gunny" Sergeant Graboski stood up and in a loud
> voice said
> "All of you heard what the President said the other night.   You
> are either
> with the United States or you are with the terrorists."
> He then said, "Please stand and join me in God Bless America." As
> he started
> singing, people all around the restaurant stood up and joined in.
>   Several
> of the students at the "Anti-War" table also stood up half way
> through the
> song and joined in.   Both Professors and the majority of the   students
> remained seated and refused to sing.   At the end there was a
> great   ovation.
> The Manager came up to my table.   (He and his staff came out from the
> kitchen and sang).   He thanked me for what I started and then
> went over to
> the Anti-War table and asked them to leave.   "I will pay for
> what you have
> had so far but I cannot in good conscience serve you - get out now!!
> One of the Professors then made a remark "Well, we are not going
> to pay one
> dime for how shabbily we have been treated." As they were leaving, one
> customer stood up and said, "Manager, here is $5 towards their
> bill, anyone
> else willing to chip in to get this scum out of here?"
> All over the restaurant, people stood up reaching for their wallet and
> saying, "I'll chip in"   The Manager, in tears said, "My family is from
> Poland, I am now a citizen   and am so proud of what I see tonight." He
> started crying and a couple of   the waitresses helped him into
> the kitchen.
> The two Marines and I were there for about another 20 minutes and finished
> our meal.   The Hostess came up and showed us more than $100 dollars that
> all   the other tables had told their Waitresses to give towards our bill.
> I   thanked her but said I could not take the money.   Lt Flynn suggested
> donating it in the Restaurant's name to the New York Relief Fund,
> so I guess
> that's what will happen.
> I just can't believe how Americans are coming together now.   Just thought
> you would like to hear how the rest of the country is reacting to what
> happened!!!"

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