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RE: Fire Station


I fundamentally agree. The issue that has come up, however, is that the reason we must now borrow to build a fire station is directly related to mismanagement of growth, among other things, within our city government. So do we just go on and pay for the mistakes without any accountability? This has been the norm in the past and as expected has resulted an even lazier “management” of the city. Someone once told me that the definition of insanity is to act the same way and expect a different result! Are we going insane!


“Your brother in arms”






-----Original Message-----
From: Mark and Julie Miller []
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 9:49 PM
To: Visionaries
Subject: Fire Station




What is more important, my $150 or your safety and piece of mind?  How would the majority of people living in Moscow reading this question honestly answer it?  If most choose the money, I must have chosen the wrong community to raise my family.  I am going to guess, however, that most members of this community would choose safety over $150.


To me, this is the fundamental question regarding the building of the new fire station.  If we need it as part of our overall safety as a community, then we should build it.  The almighty dollar be damned!


Mark Miller

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