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FW: Upcoming Public Meeting on Crop Residue Disposal Rules

-----Original Message-----
From: Julie Pipal []
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 3:56 PM
To: ''
Cc: Dr. Roger Vega; Curt Thornburg; 'Kathy Hedberg -- Grangeville'
Subject: Upcoming Public Meeting on Crop Residue Disposal Rules

Dear Owner,

My name is Julie Pipal and I am the communication officer for the Idaho
State Department of Agriculture.  I am looking for assistance in clarifying
some information that was recently distributed -- or so I was told -- to
your subscribers.

The erroneous information was that a public meeting to discuss the temporary
rules governing field burning was planned for Moscow on Wednesday, October
24.  That is actually a meeting of the Palouse Regional Airshed Advisory
Group.  While this meeting is open to the public, there will not be a forum
for public discussion or a mechanism to collect comments.

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture is planning public meetings to
solicit comments on the temporary rules governing field burning.  There is a
meeting is planned for the Lewiston area on Wednesday, November 14, though
the location and time have yet to be determined.  This meeting will be one
of five scheduled statewide and it will provide a public forum and a
mechanism to collect comments on the temporary rules.

Can you assist me?

Julie Pipal
Communication Officer
Idaho State Department of Agriculture

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