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-----Original Message-----
From:	Chris Bainbridge
Sent:	Friday, October 12, 2001 8:58 AM
To:	''; ''; ''; 
''; ''; ''; 

Monday, October 15, 2001	 
                                                   4:00 p.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor

1.	Approval of Minutes of October 8, 2001

2.	Designation of Date to Canvass Election - Chris Bainbridge
Per Idaho Code 50-467, the Mayor and Council, within six (6) days following 
any election, shall meet for the purpose of canvassing the results of the 
election.  Although votes can be canvassed without the Mayor being present 
(with the Council President presiding); there must still be a quorum 
present for the Council to canvass the votes. The last day for City Council 
to canvass the votes is Monday, November 12, 2001.
			Council Agenda Item #4
ACTION: Set date and time for canvassing the election results of the 
November 6, 2001 election.

3.	Contract for Services to Conduct a Public Transportation Feasibility 
Study - Dale Pernula	
The City of Moscow received a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) 
grant from the   Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) for the purpose of 
determining the economic feasibility of establishing a fixed route public 
transportation system in our community.  Strategic Intelligence, Inc. is on 
ITD's term Agreement List and has conducted similar studies in the state.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1C
ACTION:  Recommend approval of contract with Strategic Intelligence, Inc., 
or take such other action deemed appropriate.

4.	Lease Agreement with Ubiquitel - Brant Kucera
The City has been negotiating with Ubiquitel Leasing Company to locate 
digital cellular equipment on the Rotary Park water reservoir in accordance 
with the City's co-location policy.  The lease agreement has been reviewed 
and approved by the Cell Tower Team and City Attorney.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
ACTION:  Recommend approval of agreement and authorization of Mayor's 
signature thereon; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

5.	Financial Software Purchase Recommendation - Katherine Sink
Pursuant to the City of Moscow's 2002 goals, the City of Moscow issued an 
RFP for financial software in August 2001.  After review of the submitted 
RFP's and live demonstrations, the accounting software analysis team 
recommends purchase of Springbrook software.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1E
ACTION:  Receive recommendation and authorize staff to negotiate with 
Springbrook for purchase of financial software.

Transportation Committee Update - Cook
Monday, October 15, 2001	       	                                         
  5:00 p.m.
206 E. Third  Street, Second Floor

1.	Approval of Minutes of October 8, 2001

2. 	Financial Software Purchase Recommendation - Katherine Sink
Pursuant to the City of Moscow's 2002 goals, the City of Moscow issued an 
RFP for financial software in August 2001.  After review of the submitted 
RFP's and live demonstrations, the accounting software analysis team 
recommends purchase of Springbrook software.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1E
ACTION:  Receive recommendation and authorize staff to negotiate with 
Springbrook for purchase of financial software.

3. 	Final Subdivision Plat - Replat of Blocks 2 and 3, Moser Estates Sixth 
Addition, and Development Agreement - Dale Pernula
A preliminary plat on this proposal to consolidate lots for the intended 
purpose of constructing a church was approved by Council July 2, 2001.  The 
final plat was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission September 12, 
				Council Agenda Item #3
ACTION:  Recommend rejecting proposal; or approve final subdivision plat 
with or without conditions and adopt enclosed ordinance vacating platted 
streets on first reading or under suspension of the rules requiring three 
complete and separate readings, and that it be read by title only.  If 
approved, approve development agreement regarding the pedestrian path and 
authorize Mayor's signature thereon; or take other action deemed 

4.	Lease Agreement with Ubiquitel - Brant Kucera
The City has been negotiating with Ubiquitel Leasing Company to locate 
digital cellular equipment on the Rotary Park water reservoir in accordance 
with the City's co-location policy.  The lease agreement has been reviewed 
and approved by the Cell Tower Team and City Attorney.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
ACTION:  Recommend approval of agreement and authorization of Mayor's 
signature thereon; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Issues - Mark Cook
AIC Legislative Committee Report - Gary J. Riedner
Monday, October 15, 2001	                  7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers,
206 East Third Street, Second Floor

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the 
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered 
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

A.	Approval of Minutes of October 1, 2001 City Council Meeting

 	B. 	High Speed Internet Services Agreement - Wayne Brannock, Gary J. 
In July 2001, the City issues an RFP for high speed internet connectivity 
and received five responses.  First Step Internet was chosen on the basis 
of lowest cost and most comprehensive service.  Attached is the agreement 
with First Step Internet to provide dedicated high speed connectivity for 
all City users.  With this connectivity the City can host its own web 
services, email and e-government applications. Reviewed by Administrative 
Committee October 8, 2001.

ACTION:  Approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.

C. 	Contract for Services to Conduct a Public Transportation Feasibility 
Study - Dale Pernula
The City of Moscow received a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) 
grant from the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) for the purpose of 
determining the economic feasibility of establishing a fixed route public 
transportation system in our community.  Strategic Intelligence, Inc. is on 
ITD's Term Agreement List and has conducted similar studies in the state. 
 Reviewed by Administrative Committee October 15, 2001.

ACTION:  Approve contract with Strategic Intelligence, Inc. and authorize 
the Mayor's signature thereon.

	D. 	Lease Agreement with Ubiquitel - Brant Kucera
The City has been negotiating with Ubiquitel Leasing Company to locate 
digital cellular equipment on the Rotary Park water reservoir in accordance 
with the City's co-location policy.  The lease agreement has been reviewed 
and approved by the Cell tower Team and City Attorney.    Reviewed by 
Public Works/Finance and Administrative Committees October 15, 2001.

		ACTION:  Approve agreement and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.

E. 	Financial Software Purchase Recommendation - Katherine Sink
Pursuant to the City of Moscow's 2002 goals, the City of Moscow issued an 
RFP for financial software in August 2001.  After review of the submitted 
RFP's and live demonstrations, the accounting software analysis team 
recommends purchase of Springbrook software.
ACTION:  Receive recommendation and authorize staff to negotiate with 
Springbrook for purchase of financial software.

2.	Request from Native American Student Association for Contribution - Gary 
J. Riedner
The University of Idaho Native American Student Association seeks a 
contribution to assist in their Annual Tutxinmepu Powwow scheduled for 
October 12-13-2001.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee October 8, 

ACTION: Approval contribution of $1,500.00 to be taken from Legislative 
Reserve 01-4110-790; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

3. 	Final Subdivision Plat - Replat of Blocks 2 and 3, Moser Estates Sixth 
Addition, and  Development Agreement - Dale Pernula
A preliminary plat on this proposal to consolidate lots for the intended 
purpose of constructing a church was approved by Council July 2, 2001.  The 
final plat was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission September 12, 
2001.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee October 15, 2001.

ACTION:  Reject proposal; or approve final subdivision plat with or without 
conditions and adopt enclosed ordinance vacating platted streets on first 
reading or under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and 
separate readings, and that it be read by title only.  If approved, approve 
development agreement regarding the pedestrian path and authorize Mayor's 
signature thereon; or take other action deemed appropriate.

4. 	Designation of Date to Canvass Election - Chris Bainbridge
Per Idaho Code 50-467, the Mayor and Council, within six (6) days following 
any election, shall meet for the purpose of canvassing the results of the 
election.  Although votes can be canvassed without the Mayor being present 
(with the Council President presiding); there must still be a quorum 
present for the Council to canvass the votes. The last day for City Council 
to canvass the votes is Monday, November 12, 2001.  Reviewed by 
Administrative Committee October 15, 2001.

ACTION: Set date and time for canvassing the election results of the 
November 6, 2001 election.

5.	Pomax Presentation - Don Lanpher
The final draft of the feasibility study regarding the 911 Center is ready 
for presentation.  Pomax is the consultant hired to conduct a needs 
assessment of our emergency communication center.  A preliminary report was 
presented to Public Works/Finance and Administrative Committees September 
24, 2001.

ACTION:  Accept report, or take such other action deemed appropriate.

	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions

EXECUTIVE SESSION - Legal Issue - Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance 
to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the 
City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may 
be made.

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