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Do Not Participate in the Ill Considered "Peace" Rally

Margaret Howe wrote:

>... we hope to
>promote unity in the peace process as well as to further eludicate the
>United States' impact in Global Politics and the ways in which we too
>also terrorists...

(Emphasis mine)

Dear Vision2020 and artists and citizens of Moscow:

For my part, especially at this time when we rally our support for our
country and all the people of the world, I write in this forum to
encourage you NOT to participate in such an ill considered display. We
Americans are not terrorists. We are good people, and reticent, and
restrained, and generous, and, by contrast with our enemies, we are
tolerant, and forgiving to the point of fault.

We sought no war.

But, we now have enemies we must face, lest all our ideals of equality
and justice be foresworn.

Those enemies killed our friends and relatives and countrymen and
strangers as they started an ordinary day of work.

Despicable and loathsome and cruel and stupid and unjust and idiotic and

lunatic and intolerable.

They killed our peace; so, must they also see us put aside our peace and

reticence and tranquility, and they must see us go to war against them.

Do not participate in this silly rally.

Instead, rally for the equality and justice and peace that we Americans
will now defend.

Duncan Palmatier

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