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Re: Anti-Americans

TEX wrote:
> Wow. Nice article.  It changed a couple of my opinions, honestly.

I didn't see it that way. First of all, I realize Barry
Farber has to attract attention because he makes his
living -- attracting attention. That means he will
always try to be on the edge and, sometimes, over.

The word I'd use to describe Farber's approach is
"jingoistic." I looked up the word in the dictionery
BEFORE listing to Pres. Bush address the nation that
first time after Sept. 11, because that's what I
expected Bush to be. I was impressed that he wasn't, or
"wasn't very."

As far as I know, NO ONE in the U.S. and certainly NO
ONE participating in Vision 2020 came out in support of
the terrorists, but Farber starts out by suggesting
that has happened. It's true that some people have
criticized policies of the U.S.; being able to do that
is supposed to be one of the strengths of this country.

"If you are not with us, you are against us" is popular
with the same people who say "If you don't agree with
me, go back where you came from." Those are not
arguments calculated to make this country, or this
world, a better place -- because they preclude
reasonable consideration of what should be done.

Don Coombs

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