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Just an elemental observation

Good Morning!

I went to the `Vigil For Diversity' at Moscow's Friendship Square last
night.  During that ceremony, many people in the audience were holding, and
passing around candles for peace.  Since I managed to snag two candles, I
offered one of them to a gentleman standing nearby.  With an apologetic
smile, he replied `I am sorry.  I would like to take one for what it means
to you, but our religeon forbids it.'    When I later thanked him for the
explanation, he replied `In this time, I just didn't want there to be any
misunderstanding.'  When I thought of it this morning, I was first
embarrassed at my ignorant gaffe.   Then it struck me--If everyone were able
to hold to the tenets of our respective religeons as did this kind person,
despite appearances and temptations, we would not be in this international
situation.  It seems our problems stem from those who either profess no
moral guidance, or those who abandon theirs for other causes.  

Susan Rounds

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