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** Virus Alert ** W95/Nimda.A@mm - (aka "Readme") **

** Virus Alert **  W95/Nimda.A@mm - (aka "Readme")  **


Name: W95/Nimda.A@mm
Aliases: Nimda, W32.Nimda.A@mm, W32/Minda@MM, W32/Nimda-A,
Type: Internet Worm


W95/Nimda.A@mm is a new mass-mailing internet worm that is spreading rapidly
around the world. It proliferates as an attachment named "readme.exe"; it
also has the ability to spread using Internet Information Server (IIS).


Command Antivirus version 4.58.3 with definition files dated 09/18/01 will
detect and delete this virus.  Definition files will be available by
5pm EST (separate Deffile update message will be sent).

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