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Kevin Klose cancels visit


Kevin Klose, President of National Public Radio,  WILL NOT be visiting us 
next week.  For those of you who had looked forward to his visit, he may 
reschedule for next semester.  Thanks to all of you for your interest.

PLEASE READ Roger Johnson's note below about his cancellation.

>From: Roger Johnson <>
>Subject: Kevin Klose Visit Cancelled
>NPR President Kevin Klose called me a few minutes ago to let me know that 
>he will be unable to visit Washington state next week due to the 
>uncertainty over air travel and the need for him to be at NPR.  While 
>disappointing, the decision is understandable given the 
>circumstances.  Kevin clearly regretted having to make this decision.  He 
>said he looks forward to coming out some other time.
>I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.  We'll determine ASAP 
>which, if any, of the events surrounding Kevin's visit can be salvaged.


Elizabeth Krueger
Associate Professor
Edward R. Murrow School of Communication
Washington State University
Pullman, WA  99164-2520

voice:  509.335.3862
fax:     509.335.1555


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