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public meeting about mall planting

Since the Palouse Mall made its presentation to the Council about their
plantings plan in August when so many people were out of town and unable
to attend, I wrote to them suggesting a public meeting.  As you can read
below, they refused.  They did provide an email for further comment.

Gordon and Madeline Edgren wrote:

> Dear Bill,
> Please forgive the delay in answering your letter. I was away from my
> desk all day yesterday.
> We appreciate the concern of Vision 20/20 and the offer to sponsor a
> public meeting on the Palouse Mall landscaping plan. We received a
> similar offer from the Chamber of Commerce. Unfortunately, we have run
> out of time for this type of forum. The initial plan has been modified
> to address input from the University of Idaho, the public and the
> initial response from the City. The modified plan is now before the
> Tree Committee, the City Council and the various departments of the
> City of Moscow. We are presently working with these entities to
> address any "nuts and bolts" concerns they may have before the
> decision by the City Council.
> We invite members of Vision 20/20 who have additional questions about
> the plan to continue to contact us by e-mail at
> . Sean Michael and I will do our best to
> answer and clarify.
> Thank you for your continued interest in this issue.
> Sincerely,
> Madeline Edgren
> Palouse Mall Associates, LLC

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