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New virus!

Dear Friends,

Please note the following information about a new worm coming through

Name: MsWorld
Aliases: W32.MsWorld@mm, W32/MsWorld@MM, W32/MissWorld
Type: Internet Worm
Discovery Date: June 5, 2001


MsWorld is a mass mailing worm written in VBScript. This worm spreads
through Microsoft Outlook (but you can get it even if you do not use
outlook), and arrives as an email containing the following information:

Subject: Miss World
Message: Hi, (User's Name)
Enjoy the latest pictures of Miss World from various Country
Attachment: MissWorld.exe

When the attachment is double clicked, the worm is executed. To disguise
itself from the user, MsWorld opens a Macromedia Flash program that contains
the text "I fall more in love with
you each day!":

When you attempt to close this program, the following error is displayed:

The worm also modifies the "autoexec.bat" file and attempts to delete the
Windows registry files "user.dat" and "system.dat". At the next reboot the C
drive will be formatted and the
following message will be displayed

"This everything for my Girl Friend......., (CatEyes, KRSSL, SS Hostel)"

Finally, MsWorld will email a copy of itself to every recipient in the
Microsoft Outlook address book.

"Your brother in arms"


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