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Re: Community Planting Day

> Planting Day at Berman Creekside Park
> Saturday, June 2nd
> The community planting day at Berman Creekside Park along Paradise Path
> north of Styner Avenue in Moscow is set for Saturday, June 2nd from 8:00 AM
> to 5:00 PM.  The Paradise Path Task Force and the City Parks Department
> will have the trees, shrubs, and perennials at the park ready to plant on
> Saturday morning.  There will be some tools available, but if have shovels,
> trowels, or gloves, please bring them.   Specific directions to the park
> and a copy of the planting plan are available at the Eggan Youth Center.
>  Refreshments will be provided.  Call 883-7085 for more information.

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