Lead problems from MHS kiln
The MHS kiln has new venting, which should eliminate the
problems that caused Melanie Siebe's lead poisoning.
Since my son, Joe, was in that classroom for 9 hours/week one
semester, I was quite concerned about the potential problems.
We are having Joe checked for any effects of lead poisoning.
Supt. Ed Fisk was very cooperative to my request to read the
reports submitted by *Industrial Hygiene Resources* last Sept.
As Dr. Fisk explained to me (and the report confirmed), only
the person(s) who placed items into the kiln, or removed items
from the kiln were at substantial risk. Joe told me he did
this only twice during the semester. Joe also told me the
student teachers did these tasks rather frequently.
Amazingly, our Daily Snooze has not picked up this story,
published by its sister paper in Lewiston last Saturday, April
28. Since I do not subscribe to the valley paper, I would
have missed this news if John Cronin had not posted to the
Vision2020 list.
Thanks, John. I'll let the news flow when we get back the
results from Joe's testing.
Robert Probasco
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