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Monday Meeting Agendas

Monday, May 7, 2001		                                     4:00 p.m.

206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1.	Minutes of April 30, 2001

2.	Request by Rendezvous in Moscow to Serve Alcoholic Beverages During 
Concerts - Randy Rice
Julie Ketchum, Executive Director of Rendezvous in Moscow, has requested to 
serve alcoholic beverages during the concerts.  In July 2000, the Council 
changed Moscow City code Title 5, Chapter 13, Section 1(B), which now has 
the following exception: alcohol is prohibited in a park except in 
accordance with specific regulations adopted by the Council by resolution. 
				Council Agenda Item #4
ACTION:  Recommend denial or approval of Resolution.

3.	Agreement for Professional Services - Multi Purpose Indoor Recreation 
Center Feasibility Study  - Randy Rice
At its last meeting, the Hamilton for Youth Dream Team 2 directed staff to 
develop a proposed scope of work with Northwest Architectural Company for 
services to assist the City in its initial planning for a new multipurpose 
indoor recreation center.  The attached agreement represents the 
culmination of discussions for the stipulated professional services.
				Council Agenda Item #5
ACTION:  Recommend approval, rejection or modification of the agreement. 
 If approved, authorize Mayor's signature on same.

4. 	FY2001 Budget Revisions - Gary J. Riedner/Katherine Sink
The public hearing for revising the FY2001 budget has been set for May 21, 
2001. The budget revisions were presented to the Council Committees on 
April 23, 2001. Two additional revisions are described in the attached memo 
for inclusion at the public hearing.

	ACTION: Review budget revisions.

Monday, May 7, 2001		                                       5:00 p.m.
206 E. Third  Street, Second Floor
1.	Approval of Minutes of April 23, 2001

2.	Change Order #1 for the 1912 Building - Randy Rice
Change Order #1 will add $20,879.43 to Phase 1 project cost.  These 
additional costs will be funded from available project contingency.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1C
ACTION:  Recommend acceptance of project modifications and authorize the 
Mayor's signature on Change Order #1; or take such other action as 

3.	Funding Request to send Delegates to Idaho Youth Leadership Conference - 
Marshall Comstock
Funding request is to send two youth delegates to AIC sponsored Idaho Youth 
Leadership Conference to be held June 12-15, 2001 in Nampa, Idaho, in 
conjunction with the AIC Conference. Total funding request is $450.00. 
Proposal is to fund the request from Non-prioritized Projects, 01-4110-790. 
		Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
ACTION:  Recommend approval or denial of request; or take such other action 
deemed appropriate.

4. 	IS Request for Budget Overrun - Gary J. Riedner
In implementing the I.S. plan for workstation replacement, the schedule was 
underestimated by 6 workstations, which included replacing obsolete 
workstations and providing workstations for new personnel and existing 
personnel which did not previously have access to a workstation. The 
purchase of these additional workstations will evenly distribute the number 
of workstations to be replaced during the obsolescence plan. The overrun 
will occur in Information Technology 01-4152-760 and has been anticipated 
in the FY2001 budget revision process.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1B
ACTION: Recommend approval or denial of request, or take such other action 
deemed appropriate.

5.   FY2001 Budget Revisions - Gary J. Riedner/Katherine Sink
The public hearing for revising the FY2001 budget has been set for May 21, 
2001. The budget revisions were presented to the Council Committees on 
April 23, 2001. Two additional revisions are described in the attached memo 
for inclusion at the public hearing.

	ACTION: Review budget revisions.

6. 	LID Bond Refinancing  - Katherine Sink
Staff and Preston/Gates/Ellis will present a refunding plan for twelve 
outstanding LIDs of the City, which refunding would consolidate all LIDS 
into one in order to reduce the interest rate paid by the City on the 
outstanding LID bonds, and to reduce the administrative burden of 
maintaining payment of the separate bond issues.  D.A. Davidson is 
proposing to buy the bonds.
				Council Agenda Item #2
ACTION:  Recommend approval of the refunding plan, accompanying ordinance 
and resolution, and authorize staff to proceed; or take such other action 
deemed appropriate.

 "C" Street LID Costs - Dave Klatt

May 7, 2001		                                                   7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers
206 East Third Street, Second Floor

PROCLAMATION:  National Hospital Week (May 6 - 12, 2001)

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the 
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered 
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

A.	Approval of Minutes of April 16,2001

B.	IS Request for Budget Overrun - Gary J. Riedner
In implementing the I.S. plan for workstation replacement, the schedule was 
underestimated by 6 workstations, which included replacing obsolete 
workstations and providing workstations for new personnel and existing 
personnel which did not previously have access to a workstation. The 
purchase of these additional workstations will evenly distribute the number 
of workstations to be replaced during the obsolescence plan. The overrun 
will occur in Information Technology 01-4152-760 and has been anticipated 
in the FY2001 budget revision process. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance 
Committee May 7, 2001.

ACTION:  Approve request for overrun.

C. 	Change Order #1 1912 Building - Randy Rice
Change Order #1 will add $20,879.43 to Phase 1 project cost.  These 
additional costs will be funded from available project contingency. 
 Reviewed by Public Works/Finance May 7, 2001.

ACTION:  Accept project modifications and authorize the Mayor's signature 
on Change Order #1.

D. 	Funding Request to send Delegates to Idaho Youth Leadership Conference 
- Marshall Comstock
Funding request is to send two youth delegates to AIC sponsored Idaho Youth 
Leadership Conference to be held June 12-15, 2001 in Nampa, Idaho, in 
conjunction with the AIC Conference. Total funding request is $450.00. 
Proposal is to fund the request from Non-prioritized Projects, 01-4110-790. 
Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee May 7, 2001.

ACTION:  Approve request.

2.	LID Bond Refinancing   - Katherine Sink
Staff and Preston/Gates/Ellis will present a refunding plan for twelve 
outstanding LIDs of the City, which refunding would consolidate all LIDS 
into one in order to reduce the interest rate paid by the City on the 
outstanding LID bonds, and to reduce the administrative burden of 
maintaining payment of the separate bond issues.  D.A. Davidson is 
proposing to buy the bonds.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee May 
7, 2001.

ACTION:  Deny the proposal; or approve the Resolution, and approve 
ordinance on first reading under suspension of the rules requiring three 
complete and separate readings and that it be read by title only; and 
authorize staff to proceed.

3. 	Ordinance Amending Cash Security for Public Improvements - Dean Weyen 
and Randy Fife
Attached is a proposed change to the subdivision ordinance which, if 
adopted, will allow the City to accept a cash deposit for required public 
improvements that accompanies development.  At present, only security is 
allowed by code.  There have been several instances where cash better 
served the needs of the situation and was allowed.  This modification set 
forth a written allowance for such instances.  Reviewed by Administrative 
Committee April 30, 2001.

ACTION:  Reject or modify ordinance; or approve ordinance on first reading 
under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate 
readings, and that the ordinance be read by title only.

4. 	Request by Rendezvous in Moscow to Serve Alcoholic Beverages During 
Concerts - Randy Rice
Julie Ketchum, Executive Director of Rendezvous in Moscow, has requested to 
serve alcoholic beverages during the concerts.  In July 2000, the Council 
changed Moscow City code Title 5, Chapter 13, Section 1(B), which now has 
the following exception: alcohol is prohibited in a park except in 
accordance with specific regulations adopted by the Council by resolution. 
 Reviewed by Administrative Committee April 30, 2001 and May 7, 2001.

ACTION:  Deny or approve request and accompanying Resolution.

 5.	Agreement for Professional Services - Multi Purpose Indoor Recreation 
Center Feasibility Study
-  Randy Rice
At its last meeting, the Hamilton for Youth Dream Team 2 directed staff to 
develop a proposed scope of work with Northwest Architectural Company for 
services to assist the City in its initial planning for a new multipurpose 
indoor recreation center.  The attached agreement represents the 
culmination of discussions for the stipulated professional services. 
 Reviewed by Administrative Committee May 7, 2001.
ACTION:  Reject, approve or modify the agreement.  If approved, authorize 
Mayor's signature on same.


	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions

EXECUTIVE SESSION - Legal Issue - Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance 
to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the 
City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may 
be made.

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