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Not rain nor snow nor Saturday...

To: The Distinguished Committee For The Advancement Of Immediate Remedy

    Discontinuing Saturday mail delivery wouldn't eliminate all the costs
associated with it - the burden on carriers to deliver proportionately more
mail on each of the other days may require the shortening of routes and
hiring more personnel. Mondays may become especially difficult to handle.
   Also, nobody has mentioned the benefit of having mail picked up while
mail is delivered. This is a great service and if it is no longer done on
Saturdays there may be a statistically significant increase in the number
of individual trips (usually by auto) made to the Post Office or other drop
off point...

The only way I can figure to really save money on Saturday deliveries is to
assign the task to some income-challenged cross-dressers who could drive
down the middle of each street tossing bundled mail left and right out
their car windows ... or has this already been tried?

					Your Brother-In-Tank-Top,


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