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Re: Saturday Mail Service

Is it possible we agree on something?
I have been trying to envision life without Saturday mail delivery and realized
that it really doesn't make much difference to me.
I suppose there is some convenience involved in 6 day per week service, and I
assume that the post office would be clogged on Mondays, but it seems like a
justifiable cost-cutting option to me.
My only hesitation would involve December mailings.  Perhaps Saturday openings
could be allowed in December given the huge load for holiday mailing.
BL wrote:

> Come on folks, Murf and several congressmen (persons) have made the virtually
> the same statement.  Can't anyone explain in detail why Saturday mail service
> is essential to someone?
> The following was sent out on April 8:
> Murf,
> In this weekends Biz Bits column you state that "People and businesses
> depending on six-day per week mail would be irreparably hurt and driven to
> use other means [if Saturday delivery is eliminated]."    Any checks received
> Sat. will not be credited to accounts until Monday night and, for me,
> Saturday's catalogs and bills can just as well be handled on Monday.  Can you
> amplify and give some examples of the presumed irreparable harm?
> Walter Steed

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