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Constitutional law debate

On Tuesday, April 10 @ 6.30 p.m. in the U of I College of Law Courtroom
Professor John MacGinnis of Cardozo School of Law will debate the merits
of the Federalist System of the US Constitution with professor
James Macdonald of the U of I College of Law.  The proper roles of the
federal and state governments will be discussed, particularly
which entity is better suited to protect individual rights.
Professor MacGinnis is a Harvard Law School graduate, he clerked for Ken
Starr in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals upon graduation and later served
in the
first Bush Administration.  Professor Macdonald is a graduate of the Boalt
School of Law at the University of California at Berkeley, and worked as a 
Securities lawyer in Dallas, Texas prior to his arrival in Moscow.  Both
of these gentlemen teach Constitutional Law and are very well informed on
the subject.  
There will be a Q & A session following the discussion.
The event is sponsored by the U of I College of Law Federalist Society
-Magnus Eriksson

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