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RE: Vision 2020 archives

Hi Deb & Visionaries

My vision-2020 archiving machine died last month and I
lost the code I'd written to perform the archiving.  I
need to somehow squeese enough time into my day to
re-write the code on a new computer.  I really apologize
for this inconvenience.  The historic posts ( 3/12-Now)
are not gone.  They just haven't been archived.  I'll try 
and move it up the priority chain.

Here's to 27 hour days,

Bill Moore
First Step 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Deb []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 8:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: Vision 2020 archives 
> What's happening with the Vision 2020 archives/message board?  There 
> haven't been any postings up since 3/12/01 -- which is very, very 
> different 
> from the way things have been for the last couple of years.  
> Also, clicking 
> on the link for "Current Discussion Archives (04/01)" gets you 
> back to the 
> same short list for March.
> I sure miss being able to check up on the local happenings and 
> discussions...
> Hope you have it fixed soon.
> Deb Bartlett

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