Approved BOCC Proceedings for Week of March 26, 2001
Week of March 26, 2001
Commissioners Paul J. Kimmell, Loreca J. Stauber, and John A. (Jack) Nelson
met in regular session on Monday, March 26, 2001, and again in regular
session on March 28, 2001; the following actions were taken:
Approved, signed and filed the Commissioners’ Proceedings for the week of
March 12, 2001.
Approved, signed and filed a request for a 6-month increment increase for
Helen Sprenke, Data Entry Clerk, Assessor, Department 02A, Line 17,
effective March 1, 2001.
Approved, signed and filed a request for Leah Petersen, Auditor Assistant,
Department 01B, Line 03, to move from Full-time status to Part-time Regular,
effective June 1, 2001.
Approved, signed and filed a request to hire Norman Pierson, Detention
Deputy, Sheriff, Department 04E, Line 07, effective March 26, 2001.
Filed the resignation of Joseph Sullivan, Part-time Irregular Reserve
Deputy, Sheriff, Department 04F, Line 05, effective March 25, 2001.
Approved, signed and filed a request for a 6-month increment increase for
Ray Martin, Detention Deputy, Sheriff, Department 04E, Line 12, effective
April 1, 2001.
Approved, signed and filed a request to pay Amanda Bashaw additional
compensatory time for on-call assistance while on leave.
Approved, signed and filed a Request for a Tax Cancellation in behalf of
Alan F. Weis, MH38N05W223612A. Uncollectable.
Approved, signed and filed a Request for a Tax Cancellation in behalf of
Lisa Rodberg, MHD12900050020A. Business is closed.
Approved, signed and filed a Request for a Tax Cancellation in behalf of
Connie Koester, PP0012. Uncollectable.
Approved, signed and filed a Request for a Tax Cancellation in behalf of
Gregory Hall, PPG056. Uncollectable.
Approved, signed and filed a Request for a Tax Cancellation in behalf of
Eugene Fellows, MH39N05W101230A. Uncollectable.
Approved, signed and filed a Request for a Tax Cancellation in behalf of
Latah County Grain Growers, RPM00000180040A. Involved in a split, some
warehouses were not removed from the Latah County Grain Grower account.
Approved an Indemnity Bond in the amount of $1,485.00 to Debbie Lehr.
Approved an Indemnity Bond in the amount of $79.20 to Larry Betts.
Filed a Fee Report for period of February 1 through February 28, 2001, by
the Clerk/Auditor/Recorder.
By Motion and Order, approved request for reimbursement from the Capital
Crimes Defense Fund for Case No. CR-00-00260, incurred for the defense of
Case NO. CR-00-00260, State of Idaho vs. Dale Carter Shackelford for an
additional $13,063.68. The additional amount brings the total expenses
incurred to date to $447, 923.26. The County acknowledges previous receipt
of reimbursement totaling $291,925.81.
By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on a USDA Forest
Service Rural Community Assistance Grant in the amount of $3,150 with an
in-kind match of $4,140 for a Moscow Mountain Recreational Use and Access
Plan. Palouse Clearwater Environmental Institute shall be the Grant
Administrator of all funds.
Resolution No. 2001-09, transferring $500 from “Current Expense - General
01-18, Capital - Courthouse Remodel” and $500 from “Justice - General 08-18,
Capital Courthouse Remodel” to “Current Expense, Commissioners 01-05,
Salary - Part-time” to fund the hiring of the approved Student Intern for
the Courthouse Enhancement Project, passed March 26, 2001.
Filed Vehicle Damage Reports to ICRMP, as submitted by the Sheriff’s Office.
By Motion and Order, approved sending a letter of support on a grant
application by Deary Rural Fire District to State of Idaho, Department of
Health & Welfare, for a new ambulance.
By Motion and Order, approved sending a letter of support on a grant
application by Deary Rural Fire District to Federal Emergency Management
Agency and United States Fire Administration for a fire pumper/rescue truck.
Filed the titles of 5 county vehicles, showing the Lease Purchases as now
being “Paid.”
Filed a Notice of Tort Claim against Latah County Under Idaho Section 6-901,
Et Seq. by John and Miranda Anderson in the amount of $11,770.
Filed a Notice of Tort Claim against Latah County Under Idaho Section 6-901,
Et Seq. by Rudy and Cathie Alonzo in the amount of $8,800.
By Motion and Order, appointed Commissioner Jack Nelson as a representative
to a Department of Agriculture Regional Crop Residue Disposal Advisory
By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 2:04 P.M. on March 26,
2001, to discuss Records that are exempt from public inspection; pursuant to
Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(d). Adjourned at 2:16 P.M.
By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 3:01 P.M. on March 26,
2001, to discuss Personnel Matters; Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345
(1)(a)&(b). Adjourned at 4:05 P.M.
Approved, signed and filed a request for Solid Waste Exemption for one year
(March through December 2001) and refund in the amount of $15.56 in behalf
of Norma Jo Johnson, MH24CT00302A.
Approved, signed and filed a request for Solid Waste Exemption for one year
(March through December 2001) in behalf of Leslie Anne Johnson,
Approved, signed and filed a request for a Solid Waste Exemption for one
year (March through December 2001) and refund in the amount of $62.24 in
behalf of Lori & James Uebelher, RP40903W357950A.
Approved, signed and filed a request for a Solid Waste Exemption for one
year (March through December 2001) in behalf of Jerry Hoover,
By Motion and Order, approved the Chair’s signature on a USDA Rural
Community Assistance (RCA) Program Grant Application in the amount of
$9,210, to be administered by the Rural Development Coordinator and
Commissioner Stauber.
By Motion and Order, approved the Chair’s signature on and authorized the
submission of a Byrne Grant Application in the amount of $27,215 by the
Sheriff’s Office for Methamphetamine Lab equipment. The County will match
with personnel, the grant will be administered by the Sheriff’s Office.
By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 10:25 A.M. on March
28, 2001, to discuss Records Exempt from Public Inspection; Indigent,
Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(d). Adjourned at 11:10 A.M.
Seven cases approved, two cases denied.
Approved, signed and filed a request to transfer Eric Henson, Part-time
Irregular System Technician, Information Services, Department 05E, Line 05
to ¾ time Regular, and to change grade from A05 to A08/09, effective June
1, 2001.
By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on a Juvenile
Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) application in the amount of
$27,000 with a $3,000 match from the County. Funds will be administered by
Youth Services.
By Motion and Order, approved a Request for a Renewal of a Second Dwelling
Permit in behalf of Ronald Asterlund for one year, ending April 3, 2002.
By Motion and Order, approved a Request for a Renewal of a Second Dwelling
Permit in behalf of Bill Kimberling for one year, ending April 1, 2002.
By Motion and Order, approved a Request for a Renewal of a Second Dwelling
Permit in behalf of Dorothy Smith for one year, ending April 11, 2002.
By Motion and Order, approved a “Request for Proposal” for an attorney(s) to
serve as Latah County Public Defender for a two-year period.
By Motion and Order, Authorized the purchase of seeds for the Non-Timber
Forest Products Feasibility Study, in an amount not to exceed $300.00.
Approved, signed and filed a request to amend a personnel change request
(authorized on March 14, 2001) for Kate McNerny to be funded from BOCC,
Administration, Department 05A, Line 09 instead of Buildings & Grounds, and
to amend the Table of Organization to reflect this position on BOCC
Administration, Department 05A, Line 09.
By Motion and Order, approved a Request for a Second Dwelling Permit in
behalf of Carl E. Schultz, for care of a dependant person. This approval is
granted through March 28, 2002 and is subject to review at that time.
All documents are available for inspection in the office of the
Susan Petersen
By: Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners
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