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Agendas for Monday

Monday, March 19, 2001	   		                  4:00 p.m.

206 East Third Street

1. 	Minutes of March 5, 2001

2.	Brand and Andrews - Zabriskie Lot Line Adjustment - Dale Pernula
Rick Brand and Carol Andrews own 11.6 acres of AF zoned land at 1040 Rodeo 
Drive adjacent to City Limits.  They propose to sell the north four acres 
of said land to Brian and Nancy Zabriskie who own an adjacent 18,543 square 
foot R-2 zoned lot in the City.  The four acres in question would become 
part of the existing Zabriskie legal lot, not a new legal lot of its own. 
 There appear to be no problematic zoning, access or utility issues.  Staff 
recommends approval be conditioned upon annexation of the subject four 
					Council Agenda Item #2
ACTION:  Recommend denial of the lot line adjustment; or recommend 
approving the lot line adjustment with or without conditions.

3.	Murdock Foundation Grant - Gary J. Riedner
The City has just been notified of the receipt of a $200,000 grant award 
from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust for the 1912 Center Project.  The 
initial $100,000 is an outright gift while the second $100,000 requires a 
$200,000 match from the City.
					Council Agenda Item #4
ACTION:  Accept grant and authorize the Mayor's signature on the grant 

4.	Acceptance of Restitution Payment for Shrubbery - Randy Fife
As indicated in the March 12, 2001 letter from Paul Agidius, a check has 
been received as part of the settlement agreement in the matter of the 
removal of vegetation at the Palouse Mall.
					Council Consent Agenda Item #1C
ACTION:  Recommend acceptance of payment of full restitution for damage 
caused to shrubbery at the Palouse Mall, or take such other action as 
deemed appropriate.

Cable T.V. Issues - Randy Fife

Monday, March 19, 2001		          		          5:00 p.m.
East Third Street, Second Floor

1.   Approval of Minutes of February 26, 2001

2.	Accounts Payable for February 2001 - Katherine Sink

3.	Development Agreement with Noel Blum and Carl Johnson - Dale 
Pernula	Although public improvements exist on the portion of "A" Street 
located between Baker Street and Peterson Drive, additional fire hydrants 
will be necessary for proposed apartments on the property.
					Council Agenda Item #3
ACTION:  Recommend approval or denial of proposal and development 
agreement; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

4.   Household Hazardous Waste RFP - Tom Scallorn
Proposals have been received in response to the RFP for a contractor to 
conduct the Household Hazardous Waste Day scheduled for April 28, 2001. 
Health & Environment Commission has reviewed the proposals and recommends 
Philip Environmental, Inc. be retained.  Staff concurs in that 
recommendation.  Although their cost is slightly higher in some areas, they 
will take title to the waste and that is a significant benefit to the City. 
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
ACTION:  Recommend acceptance of Philip Environmental, Inc.'s proposal for 
Household Hazardous Waste Day and authorize Mayor to sign contracts with 
Philip Environmental. Inc. for 2001 HHHW Services; or recommend rejection 
of proposal; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

5. 	Presentation of Urban Renewal Agency Annual Report and Accompanying 
Financial Audit Report - Gary J. Riedner
A copy of Moscow's Urban Renewal Agency's Annual Report for calendar year 
2000 is included for review.  The report has been compiled in conformance 
with Idaho Code Section 50-2006 in which an Urban Renewal Agency is 
required to file with the local governing body on or before March 31st of 
each year, a report of its activities for the preceding calendar year.  The 
report includes a complete financial statement including a copy of the 
annual audit.
				Council Agenda Item #5
ACTION:  Reject or Accept Report and accompanying Annual Audit; or take 
such other action as deemed appropriate.

REPORTS: Water Department Conservation Report Update - Tom Scallorn


March 19, 2001	 		                             7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the 
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered 
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

A.	Approval of Minutes of March 5, 2001 City Council Meeting

	B.	Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of February, 2001
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of 
February 2001 and recommends approval of the following:
General	454,244.84	
Parks & Recreation	127,675.11	
1912 Center	19,511.62	
Arts	5,001.57	
Street	66,060.87	
Airport	31,500.00	
Hamilton P&R	0	
911	14,924.29	
Bond & Interest	0	
HUD Reserve	0	
Water & Sewer	291,934.85	
Sanitation	168,327.35	
Parking	3,487.92	
WWTP Construction	306,777.15	
LID Construction	0	
LID Bond & Interest	0	
LID Guaranty	0	
TOTALS	1,489,445.57	

C. 	Acceptance of Restitution Payment for Shrubbery - Randy Fife
As indicated in the March 12, 2001 letter from Paul Agidius, a check has 
been received as part of the settlement agreement in the matter of the 
removal of vegetation at the Palouse Mall.  Reviewed by Administrative 
Committee March 19, 2001.

ACTION:  Accept payment of full restitution for damage caused to shrubbery 
at the Palouse Mall.	

D.	Household Hazardous Waste RFP - Tom Scallorn
Proposals have been received in response to the RFP for a contractor to 
conduct the Household Hazardous Waste Day scheduled for April 28, 2001. The 
Health & Environment Commission has reviewed the proposals and recommends 
Philip Environmental, Inc. be retained.  Staff concurs in that 
recommendation.  Although their cost is slightly higher in some areas, they 
will take title to the waste and that is a significant benefit to the City. 
 Reviewed by Public Works/Finance March 19, 2001.

ACTION:  Accept Philip Environmental, Inc.'s proposal for Household 
Hazardous Waste Day and authorize Mayor to sign contracts with Philip 
Environmental. Inc. for 2001 HHWD services.

2.	Brand and Andrews - Zabriskie Lot Line Adjustment - Dale Pernula
Rick Brand and Carol Andrews own 11.6 acres of AF zoned land at 1040 Rodeo 
Drive adjacent to City Limits.  They propose to sell the north four acres 
of said land to Brian and Nancy Zabriskie who own an adjacent 18,543 square 
foot R-2 zoned lot in the City.  The four acres in question would become 
part of the existing Zabriskie legal lot, not a new legal lot of its own. 
 There appears to be no problematic zoning, access or utility issues. 
 Staff recommends any approval be conditioned upon annexation of the 
subject four acres.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee March 19, 2001.

ACTION:  Deny lot line adjustment; or approve the lot line adjustment with 
or without conditions.

3.	 	Development Agreement with Noel Blum and Carl Johnson - Dale Pernula
Although public improvements exist on the portion of "A" Street located 
between Baker Street and Peterson Drive, additional fire hydrants will be 
necessary for proposed apartments on the property.  Reviewed by Public 
Works/Finance Committee March 19, 2001.

ACTION:  Deny proposal; or approve proposal and enclosed development 
agreement and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon; or take such other 
action as deemed appropriate.

4. 	Murdock Foundation Grant - Gary J. Riedner
The City has just been notified of the receipt of a $200,000 grant award 
from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust for the 1912 Center project.  The 
initial $100,000 is an outright gift while the second $100,000 requires a 
$200,000 match from the City.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee March 
19, 2001.

ACTION:  Reject grant; or accept grant and authorize the Mayor's signature 
on the grant agreement; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

5. 	Presentation of Urban Renewal Agency Annual Report and Accompanying 
Financial Audit Report
 - Gary J. Riedner
A copy of Moscow's Urban Renewal Agency's Annual Report for calendar year 
2000 is included for review.  The report has been compiled in conformance 
with Idaho Code Section 50-2006 in which an Urban Renewal Agency is 
required to file with the local governing body on or before March 31st of 
each year, a report of its activities for the preceding calendar year.  The 
report includes a complete financial statement including a copy of the 
annual audit.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee March 19, 2001.

ACTION:  Accept Report and accompanying Annual Audit; or take such other 
action as deemed appropriate.

	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
	Other Boards & Commissions

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance 
to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the 
City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may 
be made.

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