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Environmental Justice Lecture, March 7


> Chip Ward, an author and grassroots activist in
> Utah, will present a
> lecture March 7 at 7 p.m. in the UI College of Law
> Courtroom. It is free
> and open to the public. Ward's talk, "Breakfast
> Cereal for Two-headed
> Babies: Environmental Risk, Regulation and Justice
> in the American West,"
> is a colorful and passionate account of the lessons
> he's learned. The
> program is part of an environmental justice lecture
> series this spring.
> Ward of Grantsville, Utah, wrote "Canaries on the
> Rim: Living Downwind in
> the West." He argues that the Great Basin is being
> turned into an
> environmental sacrifice zone and toxic enabler for
> America's industry and
> its military.
> The program is sponsored by the UI College of
> Natural Resources, College of
> Agriculture and UI Office of Diversity and Human
> Rights.
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