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RE: ironic, ain't it?

What I find offensive is that our government, in every level, pass laws and
regulations to make us feel they are actually doing something but then
either water it down, create loopholes, or just do not enforce it. Then they
wonder why the citizens are critical of them. I am not sure who is at fault
here... the ones who "lead" or the ones who choose the leaders!!

Your brother in arms,


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill London []
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 6:10 PM
To: Vision2020 (E-mail);
Subject: ironic, ain't it?

Today (2/23) I noticed a large banner hanging across Main Street at
Friendship Square in downtown Moscow.
The banner was divided into two halves.  The red half included the
words: "Budweiser, King of Beers."  The white half included the words:
"Moscow Mardi Gras, First Saturday in March, Proceeds Benefit Local
The banners across Main Street there are hung by the City of Moscow on a
permit basis, and are restricted to community groups, not commercial
advertisers.  That city ordinance is designed to keep ugly billboards,
especially those advertising commercial products detrimental to youth
and the community, away from the downtown area.
So, does anyone else besides me find this beer commercial masquerading
as a community event announcement offensive?  or ironic? or disgusting?

letter to the editor from Bill London, Moscow

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